1 day tryout held on 11 January 2010 at 07:00 pm in the school SDN Kedanyang Gresik. This tryout is for grade 6 SDN Kedanyang with time 1 hour 30 minutes, beginning from 07:00 pm until 08:30 pm. Total number of students of class 6 Kedanyang SDN is 25, but the tryout was only attended by 20 students for 5 other students did not attend. Therefore iti authors have only put 25 students on the assessment of this tryout.
Try out all these items were taken from the book let's talk Home package that holds up the students at SDN Kedanyang. The reason is because the writer takes the requests of teachers and lack of syllabus and lesson plan at school. In addition, the facilities and the ability of students is also a consideration in determining the decision. Tryout1 contains 40 items consisting of 4 topics. Each topic consists of 10 items. The four topics are:
1.Hobbies. This topic represented 10 items contained in the item number in the form of multiple choise 1-10.
2.Games. This topic represented 10 items contained in the item number in the form of multiple choise 11-20.
3.Recreation. This topic represented 10 items contained in the item number in the form of multiple choise 21-30.
4.Culture Events. This topic represented 10 items contained in the item number in the form of multiple choise 31-40.
The try out is made in the form of 40 multiple choice items. The author uses these exercises to facilitate the assessment in correcting the results of student work for all items is intended to be objective. Here is the result of the try out 1 was conducted in the SDN Kedanyang:
From the above table it is known that the students are grouped into 3 groups: high, medium and low (look at the raw score's table). In the high group, there are 6 students, in the medium group, there are 8 students and in the low group, there are 6 students. This grouping is based on a formula written on the raw score's table.
Besides that, from all the tabels we can know that In this try out, 22 items were accepted, 3 items were revised and 15 items were discarded. From 22 items which were accepted are :
Topic Hobbies: 6 items (multiple choise number 1,2,4,6,8 and 9)
Topic Games : 3 items (multiple choise number18,19 and 20)
Topic Recreation : 5 items (multiple choise number 21,22,24,28 and 30)
Topic Culture Events : 8 items (multiple choise number 33,34 and 35)
From 3 items which were revised :
Topic Hobbies : 1 items (multiple choise number 3)
Topic Games: 1 items (multiple choise number 14 )
Topic Recreation : 1 items (multiple choise number 26)
Topic Culture Events : none
From 15 items were discarded :
Topic Hobbies : 5 item (multiple choise number 4 ,5,7 ,10)
Topic Games : 4 items (multiple choise number 11, 13, 16,17)
Topic Recreation : 2 items (multiple choise number 23 and 25)
Topic Culture Events : 4 items ( multiple choise number 31,32,36,39)
From 22 items were accepted the writer just take 20 items untuk diujikan dalam tryout 2 karena penulis hanya mentargetkan 20 items.
In the second try out, It become difficult to finish it because the student has done their examination but I can test it with the student. There are 20 items that tested in 20 student of SDN Kedanyang six grade. For the analisis, this found reliable test items that on 0,689 and it is already for the true test.
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